A few large companies shouldn't be allowed to shrink the internet

It’s fucked that a few large companies can decide when to shrink the internet by taking down people’s posts. On the same day I read this, I also saw something on Mastodon about twitter un-deleting people’s deleted posts. (Also mentioned in Garbage Day.)

We should have both a [[ right to be forgotten ]] and a [[ right to be remembered ]], according to our own wishes. No corporate entity should get to decide that.

from a Garbage Day newsletter, Ryan Broderick writes about a dead friend’s digital trail:

I’ll be realistic here. I don’t think we should expect every company to keep our content forever, but I also don’t think they should get to unilaterally shrink the internet because they’re tired of being responsible for its upkeep. The internet shouldn’t be a handful of company towns that can pull up their stakes and leave when the data mine is tapped.

[[ the internet is a dead mall ]] the internet is for ghosts [[ digital enclosure ]]


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