Analytical overlay, aol, or mental noise

Mental noise can distort your remote viewing sessions. For example, one experience remote viewer said that someone who she was viewing was in a Macy’s. But Russell Targ said it doesn’t sound like that’s remote viewing, so could you just describe what you’re seeing? And then draw it? So then the woman drew a row of coat hangers and described a row of coat hangers and it turned out that looked very much like The pedestrian overpass that was the target.

Trying to guess or name the target are the worst offenders.

Instead, use the psychic triad of intellect, feeling/emotion sensing, and intuition

Mental noise, or analytical overlay (AOL) as Ingo Swann called it, is the confusion caused by naming or grasping at your mental images. Although an initial flash of AOL might well contain bits of valuable correct information, it may be partially concealed by the analytic noise.

… naming, guessing, grasping, memory, analysis, and imagination are all sources of mental noise that interfere with your ability to receive a psychic signal and experience the remote viewing target. … Ingo told us about the importance of the elements of the “psychic triad, which must all work together in a balanced and harmonious fashion. These are intellect, feeling/emotion sensing, and intuition. These elements can lead the student on the path of psychic revelation.”

Excerpt From: Third Eye Spies-Learn Remote Viewing from the Masters by Russell Targ

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