Hearing musical samples from the 70s that are transformed into something nostalgic and strange

This is w/r/t Ghost Box record label and [[ The Geography, a song by Belbury Poly ]], from the book [[ The Oxford Handbook of Music and Virtuality ]]. I love this idea of familiar samples conjuring the past while also shifting into something new and strange.

see also [[ electronic music, psychogeography, and nostalgia ]] and the work of [[ Mark Fisher ]] (who was apparently the first music critic to be really into Ghost Box’s music). Also [[ Simon Reynolds ]] wrote about the hauntology of it all. (nostalgia can twist into disorientation)

For someone like myself, who grew up in the 1970s, the effect of the music—in fact, the effect of the integrated aesthetic that Ghost Box creates—is simultaneously immediate and evanescent: I know the samples and the references, either directly or by association, but their configuration is unexpected, uncanny, and unidentifiably odd. It does feel like moving from the security of the Cleveland Way to the uncertain territory of “The Geography,” and, as this is a journey into a past version of Britain (which is also my past), an immersion in the world of the label is both comforting and disorienting. The Britain in which I grew up becomes a stranger, ghostlier place; a virtual, reconfigured, haunted collage or palimpsest.

[[ hauntology ]] nostalgia


Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.