Jacques vallee Last updated on May 26, 2023 b. 1939 author of Passport to Magonia by Jacques Vallee [[ Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallee ]] [[ Anatomy of a Phenomenon by Jacques Vallee ]] Backlinks Hilma af klint may have been influenced by a painting in her childhood church depicting a ufo Like 1500s miracle in stockholm This story, which includes “mock suns” and “wheels” of light or “orbs” sounds an awful lot like religious [[UFO]] experiences... Joshua cutchin [[author]] of many books, including: Passport to magonia by jacques vallee [[egg shaped object or UFO in 1964]] [[Kelly Hopkinsville Goblins, 1955]] lots of sightings in 1954 [[furry alien sighted in... Uaps, uavs, and other new ufo euphemisms blur reality In a March 3, 2022, talk that he gave for the [[Archives of the Impossible]], [[Jacques Vallee]] talks about how... Aliens in ufos are the same as the fae [[Jacques Vallee]] argues that the fae and aliens are the same thing. Places to encounter the fae after 1850 According to [[Jacques Vallee]], fairies became scarce after 1850.