Stages of remote viewing
per [[ Ingo Swan ]] as recounted in Limitless Mind by Russell Targ:
- major gestalt stage (as Joe Mcgonigal calls it): kinesthetic impressions and images that can be sketched
- basic emotional and aesthetic images of target (like beauty or a sense of fear). interviewers can ask viewers how they feel about a particular object/target.
- dimensional information (large/heavy/thin,weight, size, etc). viewers often have the urge to make freeform sketches that don’t mean much to them. they might also want to create “analytical overlay” (AOL), analytical guesses about a place. viewers should avoid the intellectualization of naming, guessing, or comparing objects. “conditioned existence” vs. “naked awareness”
- information that describes the target’s function or purpose. write detailed lists of perceptions.
- the hidden aspects of a target start to shine through, you can combine the sketches and descriptions into something that makes sense.
Limitless mind by russell targ
[[Upton Sinclair wrote a book about psychic powers]] [[electromagnetic interference degrades psychic performance]] [[best time for psychic work]] [[analysis is...