Stages of remote viewing

per [[ Ingo Swan ]] as recounted in Limitless Mind by Russell Targ:

  1. major gestalt stage (as Joe Mcgonigal calls it): kinesthetic impressions and images that can be sketched
  2. basic emotional and aesthetic images of target (like beauty or a sense of fear). interviewers can ask viewers how they feel about a particular object/target.
  3. dimensional information (large/heavy/thin,weight, size, etc). viewers often have the urge to make freeform sketches that don’t mean much to them. they might also want to create “analytical overlay” (AOL), analytical guesses about a place. viewers should avoid the intellectualization of naming, guessing, or comparing objects. “conditioned existence” vs. “naked awareness”
  4. information that describes the target’s function or purpose. write detailed lists of perceptions.
  5. the hidden aspects of a target start to shine through, you can combine the sketches and descriptions into something that makes sense.

remote viewing psychic


Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.