Alien with frog Like eyes from an egg shaped craft

A 3-foot alien with frog-like eyes, who came out of an egg-shaped craft, asked someone if he could kidnap his dog.

When he tried to grab the alien, the witness ended up with [[ green ]] powder on his wrist and under his fingernails. The alien wore green, as well.

from Passport to Magonia by Jacques Vallee:

While the Clark case had taken place at 6:30 A.M., it was at dusk that John Trasco went outside to feed his dog and saw a brilliant egg-shaped object hovering in front of his barn. In his path he found a being three feet tall “with putty-colored face and large frog-like eyes,” who said in broken English: “We are peaceful people, we only want your dog.” … Mrs. Trasco is said to have observed the object itself from the house, but not the entity. She is also quoted as saying that when her husband tried to grab the creature, he got some green powder on his wrist, but that it washed off. The next day he noticed the same powder under his fingernails. The ufonaut had been dressed in a green suit with shiny buttons, a green tanvo-shanter-like cap, and gloves with a shiny object at the tip of each, according to Coral Lorenzen.

[[ Loveland frogman ]] [[ egg shaped ghost ]] egg shaped ufo sighting in 1965 [[ egg shaped object or UFO in 1964 ]] [[ dog abduction ]]


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