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related: psi psychic remote viewing parapsychology
2023 07 10 learning things
[[daily blog post]] [[The Pigman of Bonnie Brae Bridge]] [[The Pigman of Bonnie Brae Bridge]]
Closed deck
In [[ESP]] studies, this is a deck with a certain number of each cards. Skews results because the subject can...
Learning to use extrasensory perception by charles tart
[[learning is reinforced, and the shorter the interval, the better]] [[we often do things without understanding how, and esp can...
A proposed esp testing aid
this device from [[Learning to Use Extrasensory Perception by Charles Tart]] seems like something I could program using an RNG...
Extroverts do better in esp work
the book gives an example where college kids pressed buttons and either an erotic or boring pic was shown, and...
In parapsychology studies, closed decks skew results
I’ve seen this in myself when working with a deck of playing cards. My best solution has been to shuffle...
Learning is reinforced, and the shorter the interval, the better
For [[ESP]] testing, it’s important to give immediate feedback to tap into people’s ability to learn and improve. Slow feedback...