Hoaxes and tricksters
Topic; see backlinks
See also: hoax [[ trickster ]] [[ The Trickster and the Paranormal by George P. Hansen ]]
Ufo occupants might create a diversion to distract from the real deal
[[John Keel]] writes about how UFO occupants might create a diversion to distract from the real deal.
Ufos are environmental phenomenon rather than ets
In [[John Keel’s Anomaly newsletter]] , Anomaly issue 1, May 1, 1969, [[John Keel]] argues that [[negative factors in UFO...
Negative factors in ufo cases
This came up in [[John Keel’s Anomaly newsletter]] , Anomaly issue 1, May 1, 1969.
The ufonauts are liars and hoaxers, not the contactees
Per [[John Keel]], people think that contactees are lying, but they aren’t. The ufonauts are.