Ufos are environmental phenomenon rather than ets

In John Keel’s Anomaly newsletter , Anomaly issue 1, May 1, 1969, [[ John Keel ]] argues that negative factors in UFO cases distract from what’s really going on.

He argues that UFOs are environmental phenomenon rather than ETs. I’m not 100% sure what he means by environmental phenomenon, though.

Here’s what he said:

Before you can even begin to understand any of this you must alter your frame of reference and discard all of your preconceptions, as we have stated before. You must learn to accept only the correlative evidence and ignore the assorted speculations which have dominated ufology. We are interested only in hard facts. All of these facts indicate that we are dealing with an environmental phenomenon but that we have been misled into believing the extraterrestrial thesis. So long as we accepted the ET concept, the phenomenon and its source was safe and free from interference. Deliberate hoaxes were executed to sustain skepticism and convince governmental agencies that the phenomenon was non-real. The UFO buffery was convinced of the ET thesis, which was unacceptable to both the general public and the scientific community, and by loudly advocating it they succeeded in heaping ridicule upon the subject. Thus the UFO source was able to operate unhindered for twenty long years.

hoax hoaxes and tricksters [[ hard ufos are decoys, and soft ones are something stranger ]]


Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.