Some contactees hear things in their mind rather than externally, per keel

This came up in John Keel’s Anomaly newsletter , Anomaly issue 1, May 1, 1969.

Basically, [[ John Keel ]] says that:

  1. sounds are extremely important in witness accounts
  2. many of the sounds are “mental,” meaning they come from within the brain rather than vibrations in the air
  3. when people hear beeping sounds, that might indicate that people have had an unconscious experience, as indicated by weird lapse in time or by suddenly being in a different location (“geographical transfers”) (makes me think of the beeps in the [[ Gateway Tapes ]] intros). He said that witnesses who’ve experienced that should see a psychiatrist for examination.

This also makes me think of the Estes Method vs. the method described in the [[ Double-Blind Ghost Box ]] book (and the assumption that recording the output of the ghost box will allow you to hear the same thing that the receiver did during the session.)

Later in the newsletter, he said that some UFO contact cases are induced hallucinations

[[ induced hallucinations ]]


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