Some men in black may be hallucinatory

In John Keel’s Anomaly newsletter , Anomaly issue 1, May 1, 1969, [[ John Keel ]] writes that there are multiple types of [[ men in black ]], but some are “more psychic or hallucinatory than real.”

He says:

They appear and disappear suddenly in bedrooms and the witnesses often experience paralysis or a sudden rise in temperature in their presence. We now have dozens of such cases in our files. An article on this aspect will soon appear in MALE magazine.

He also said that they (I think both physical and psychic ones) “frequently employ hypnotic techniques.”

makes me think of some UFO contact cases are induced hallucinations and how some contactees hear things in their mind rather than externally, per Keel


Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.