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Iceland has a good stepmother trope in folklore
Though [[fairy tale]]s elsewhere often contain bad stepmothers, Iceland has a good stepmother trope in [[folklore]], per [[Icelandic Folk Legends...
Icelandic folk legends by alda sigmundsdottir
General notes [[oicotype]] [[Iceland has a good stepmother trope in folklore]] [[some Icelandic folktales may have been the result of...
More magical times and places to see a ufo or do psychic work
The pigman of bonnie brae bridge
This is an episode about the legendary pigman of Denton, Texas. Kinda.
the tendency of [[fairy tale]]s and [[folklore]] to migrate from place to place, changing to feel more true to that...
Some icelandic folktales may have been the result of people eating bad flour and hallucinating
This is just a theory from [[Alda Sigmundsdottir]], but she questions whether some more outlandish folktales could have been related...
Ufo faerie rings Vallee's summary
UFOs leave rings much like the fairy rings of [[folklore]]. There also seems to be a magnetic residue.
Ufos, the fae, and imagination
This is re: UFOs and the fae. This [[quote]] talks about the laws of [[Imagination]] and the universe, and how...