John keel says wednesdays are the best day to spot ufos in operation trojan horse

In Operation Trojan Horse, John Keel talks about how Wednesday nights are the most popular time to see UFOs. This ties in with the idea that UFOs have some knowledge of our geography, because UFOs pay attention to state lines. He says that it isn’t that every Wednesday, UFOs filled the skies, but that when there is a big flap, it’s more likely for it to happen on a Wednesday night. Here is what he said is the highest likelihood, in terms of day of the week to see UFOs. This data is from the 1960s; I think he based it off of 10,000 news clippings and reports that he received in 1966, which he looked into and seem to feel that most of them were true.

He also mentioned that it’s interesting that so many more UFOs are seen on Wednesday nights, because you would think that people would see them more on Saturday nights, since that’s when people are outside late doing things. It’s unusual and notable that Wednesday night is UFO night.

As soon as I had organized the sightings by dates, the first significant pattern became apparent. This was that sightings tended to collect around specific days of the week. Wednesday had the greatest number of sightings, and these were usually reported between the hours of 8 to 11 P.M.
  Day Percentage of Total Reports Wednesday 20.5 Thursday 17.5 Friday 15.5 Saturday 15.0 Monday 13.5 Sunday 11.0 Tuesday 7.0

UFO Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel modern science rules over a narrow universe, re ufos

Wednesday phenomenon [[ witches roam on Tuesdays and Fridays ]] the most magical days, when you can spot witches and UFOs


Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.