The best time, month, and place to see a ufo

best place to see a UFO:

  • Wednesday or Saturday night around 10 pm
  • highest ground near you that also has a magnetic fault
  • sometime during the last two weeks in March and the first two weeks in April, all of July-August, the last two weeks in October, and the first weeks in November and December

UFOs seem to congregate above the highest available hills in these window areas. They become visible in these centers and then radiate outward, traveling sometimes 100-200 miles before disappearing again.

So if you are eager to see a genuine example of our phenomenon, pick a good Wednesday or Saturday evening, visit the highest ground in the area closest to you that has a magnetic fault, and watch the sky around 10 P.M. The best times are the last two weeks in March and the first two weeks in April, all of July-August, the last two weeks in October, and the first weeks in November and December.

It’s unclear to me why Saturday, when he says this earlier in the book:

If the UFO phenomenon had a purely psychological basis, then there should be more sightings on Saturday night when more people are out of doors, traveling to and from entertainments, etc. Instead we find that the greatest number of sightings are reported on Wednesday, and then they slowly taper off through the rest of week. The lowest number occurs on Tuesday. This inexplicable “Wednesday phenomenon” proved very valid and was repeated throughout 1967 and 1968. It was later found to be valid, with minor variations, in other countries.

But then later he says:

The study and interpretation of all this belongs in the hands of historians, philosophers, psychiatrists, and theologians. However, physical scientists can also make a contribution by applying standard scientific methods to the wealth of data and preparing statistical studies of the events themselves. My own attempts at this are admittedly very limited, but it is obvious that the phenomenon is controlled by hidden laws and cycles. Psychic and occult events seem to follow the same cycles as the UFO phenomenon. The Wednesday-Saturday phenomenon exists in all the frames of reference. For some reason, the twenty-fourth days of April, June, September, November, and December seem to produce exceptional activity year after year. It is probable that manifestations are dependent upon unknown conditions that have an electromagnetic basis. When specific individuals (people with latent or active psychic abilities) are in specific places (window areas) at specific times (flap periods when the undefined electromagnetic conditions exist), the phenomenon is able to manifest itself in one of its many forms.

see also: Wednesday phenomenon John Keel says Wednesdays are the best day to spot UFOs in Operation Trojan Horse [[ John Keel talks about the Wednesday phenomenon in The Mothman Prophecies ]] [[ John Keel ]]

Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel:

So if you are eager to see a genuine example of our phenomenon, pick a good Wednesday or Saturday evening, visit the highest ground in the area closest to you that has a magnetic fault, and watch the sky around 10 P.M. The best times are the last two weeks in March and the first two weeks in April, all of July-August, the last two weeks in October, and the first weeks in November and December.


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