Operation trojan horse by john keel

  • in 1897, the technology wasn’t there to make quick-moving air craft and dirigibles
  • Thomas Edison on the UFO flap of 1897
  • [[ There was a large UFO flap in March-April 1967 ]]
  • UFOs pay attention to state lines
  • John Keel says Wednesdays are the best day to spot UFOs in Operation Trojan Horse
  • [[ John Keel implies that the three wise men were men in black ]]
  • [[ John Keel worked way too much ]]
  • [[ the bible contains UFO phenomena type things, but nowadays we run to science to explain ]]
  • [[ there have been more UFO sightings of soft rather than hard objects ]]
  • [[ UFOs can vanish and reappear suddenly ]]
  • [[ many researchers in the 1950s thought ufos were paraphysical ]]
  • [[ one physicist claimed that the CIA made up ufos as a distraction during the cold war ]]
  • [[ paraphysical hypothesis in the ufo field, as espoused by Victor Goddard ]]
  • [[ ufos are like trojan horses ]]
  • [[ electromagnetic effects are common in UFO encounters ]]
  • [[ radio beams are electromagnetic ]]
  • [[ John Keel compares psychic powers to radio recievers ]]
  • [[ John Keel describes phone calls as a form of teleportation ]]
  • [[ much of the universe is invisible ]]
  • [[ many UFO witnesses experience conjunctivitis ]]
  • [[ infraread may make ufo witnesses feel hot or hurt their eyes ]]
  • [[ there’s a connection between fires and paranormal and UFO experiences ]]
  • [[ ufos may be operating beyond our time coordinates, as interdimensional beings ]]
  • [[ purple blobs are common UFO-type sightings ]]
  • [[ UFO departure field ]]
  • [[ ufos and their crews defy the laws of physics, moving in ghostlike ways ]]
  • [[ UFO or airship sighting near Madison Square Park and the Flatiron ]]
  • [[ ufo reports receive more scrutiny than other historical accounts ]]
  • [[ hard ufos are decoys, and soft ones are something stranger ]]
  • [[ UFO witness described the smell of burning rubber ]]
  • [[ around the time of an earthquake, witnesses reported glowing orbs ]]
  • [[ are UFOs and natural disasters related ]]
  • [[ green fireballs or comets are one type of soft ufo sighting ]]
  • [[ window areas tend to have a 200 mile radius ]]
  • the best time, month, and place to see a UFO
  • [[ UFOs dropped metal and other objects as fake evidence ]]
  • [[ a woman in a trance asked what is your time cycle during a ufo sighting ]]
  • [[ ufos and poltergeist activity ]]
  • the UFOnauts are liars and hoaxers, not the contactees
  • [[ in the past, contactees were told that visitors were demons; now they’re ETs ]]
  • [[ an interdisciplinary approach to UFOlogy is needed ]]
  • [[ Malcom X encountered a man in black ]]
  • [[ Flying Saucer Review is the most respected ufo journal according to John Keel ]]
  • [[ are UFO encounters psychic projections ]]
  • [[ there are parallels between ufo or MIB and vampire encounters ]]
  • [[ people get too obsessed with ufos, it can be dangerous ]]
  • [[ ufos have played the role of angels, saving people ]]
  • [[ John Keel theorized that aliens were queer, intersex, or non-binary ]]
  • [[ the brothers grimm also wrote occult books ]]
  • [[ some elementals take energy from plants ]]
  • [[ ultraterrestrials need energy from a living thing, animal or plant, in order to manifest ]]
  • [[ poltergeists often reveal people’s secrets ]]
  • [[ the years of 19th century ufo flaps and poltergeist activity ]]
  • [[ in 1880, unknown forces inspired John Newbrough to write the inspired book Oahspe using a typewriter for automatic writing ]]
  • [[ in 1965, a man’s wound was healed by a UFO ]]
  • [[ three people see phenomenon, but only two hear it ]]
  • [[ initial contact often happens well before the more dramatic contact ]]
  • [[ young children have strong ESP, but they lose it as rationality comes in ]]
  • [[ within one year of John Keel diving into ufology, weird stuff started happening ]]
  • [[ mysterious warnings and prophecies about the future often have trickster elements ]]
  • [[ The Smoky God is an early hollow earth book ]]
  • [[ Panic is supposedly a lost language ]]
  • [[ time compression ]]
  • [[ sheol, the invisible world ]]
  • [[ flying saucers are a cosmic hoax ]]
  • [[ a theory that most ufo contactees are psychics, and that being in a psychics aura may allow you to see a UFO ]]
  • [[ ultraterrestrials may draw energy from humans in order to manifest ]]
  • [[ many UFO contactees have early experiences that build up into more dramatic ones later ]]
  • [[ supersonic and ultrasonic frequencies and UFOs ]]
  • [[ John Keel appears to espouse ancient alien type theories ]]
  • window areas and magnetic deviation

See also:


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